Monday, March 9, 2009

Sick of being Sick!

It seems like everyone has been getting sick lately and I am so tired of it. I seem to catch everything lately. I feel like I have been sick these past couple of months. Pete just got over a cold and now I caught a fever and a really bad sore throat.

This is all I feel like doing! I hope I get over this soon and I hope nobody else gets it! I've been slacking on my posts but we haven't done anything too exciting lately, just being sick it seems like.


Unknown said...

Hey Kati,

Sorry to hear you have a bug. Feel better soon!

Kurt said...

I'm sorry you aren't feeling good sissy! You probably didn't get a flu shot did you. Anyway.... get feeling better.

Granny Pat said...

Get better soon The Blossoms all around are beautiful but the realy do damage to you system. Sore throats, cold etc. and etc. we blame it on the almond trees. All those little kids at school with drizzle noses does damage too. Get well soon. Love Gram

Mom Morphy said...

Oh Katie, I hate it when anyone is sick! I hope this gets over soon! Between Grandpa, Amanda, Lilly, Lola, Pete and now you! We're all falling apart.

Mands Glenn said...

I hear ya sister. Here I am a week later and not feeling much better. The trip home in the car was interesting with the poor Lilly throwing up a few times in the car. Glad we made it back home in one piece. Myself and the girls miss ya. Your birthday is coming up! Love ya

Chelsie Jensen said...

I'm so glad that you found my blog! I love having friends find me. It is good to see that everything is going well for you as well, except that you are sick. I hope you get well soon. Keep in touch!

Cara Lee said...

Of course I remember you!!! Your blog is so dang cute, I love it! Are you guys living in Vernal?

Kay's said...

Hey Kati its Ashley Kay i am so glad you found our blog i love hearing from friends i haven't seen for a while. Where are you living? You guys are so cute!!

Deets Family said...

Well Hello!! I am so glad you found me. You are the CUTEST couple and you look like you have so much fun together. Get better soon, I think I am just getting whatever is going around, so I feel for you. Talk to you later!