Friday, October 23, 2009


Everyone keeps asking me to post details of how the delivery went and about Brea, so here it is. We went to the hospital at 8:00 on Friday morning. I was contracting every 2-4 minutes. The doctor came in at about 9:00 and did an ultrasound. He told us that there wasn't enough amniotic fluid to flip her and that he didn't want to wait any longer to deliver her. They scheduled a c-section for 45 minutes later. The nurses got me all prepared and they rolled me down to surgery. At 11:30 Brea Morphy was born, weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and 20.5 inches long. We were not expecting to have a baby on Friday when we went in, but we are sure glad that we did!


Jenny said...

wow, big girl for being early. That's how big mine were at full term!

Lynn said...

I'm just glad that everything went well. Congratulations again! Love you guys, Aunt Lynn

Erin said...

You did an amazing job! I'm glad everything is fine with both of you. Congrats again.

The Marquardt Family said...

MORE PICS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love her