Today we finally got to go to the lake. We meaning the girls, grandpa and grandma. Pete, Kurt, and Braiden didn't get to come. Maybe tomorrow.
She has two bottom teeth
She can now drink between 5-6 ounces of formula every 4 hours.
(yes I said formula, she is no longer breastfeeding)
She love, love, loves the bath
She can wave bye and dance when you tell her to (if she is in the mood)
She might crawl soon because she is starting to move her legs to the side and put her weight on both arms when she is in the sitting position.
She jabbers, laughs, and screams constantly
She gets mad if we eat in front of her and don't give her any
She likes to watch Dora the Explorer in the morning
I could go on about all the things this girl does. She is so much fun and I love watching her learn new things each day. I can't believe my girl is 8 months old already!